Sjeffo reaches the 300.000km mark.

door | okt 31, 2015 | Life | 0 Reacties

Home - Blogs - Life - Sjeffo reaches the 300.000km mark.

You know… Sjeffo to me is more thana car. He’s a trophy. Back in October/November of 2013, in the hightides of my depression, I managed to finaly, after a few tries, get my drivers licence. December 3rd of the same year Sjeffo was registered to me. I still remember my first time riding alone. It was scary at first but it also gave me an extreme confidence boost. I was finaly capable of going out there and visit my friends acreoss the country… and So I did as much as I could.

Nowadays Sjeffo still goes strong.

He is a key part of not only my family but also my club and a few more other things. Twice a week we do volunteers work at a place called Place 2b Haarlem in the town of Haarlem.  Sjeffo then becomes a van and together we are responsible for the transportation of all the needed groceries. He also found a sweetheart down in Limburg. She’s called Zippy and they stayed together many of nights… I just hope nothing unexpected comes from this one.  And, of course, he’s still partially responsible for keeping my marriage safe. Sometimes the wife and I go for long rides wich help us focus.

300.000km mark

So the day finaly came. On October 29 2015, my loyal vehicle Sjeffo Reached the 300.000km mark. We’ve had an amazing time together so far… I couldn’t let this moment pass unnoticed so I found a way to film the 299999 to 300000 transition.

Some Sjeffo images:

Honestly I hope Sjeffo will be with me for a long time more. I couldn’t miss him.

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