Some time back, Vrouwke asked me if I could do a photo shoot with Bolero, her horse. She had the specific wish to have Bolero shot with a black...
Birk is a Frysian horse. I found him when doing a photo shoot for a friend. Strangely enough, right when Birk saw my camera he came out and posed for these shots. Thank you, Birk...
The cats Fien and Floor
Finally got the time to visit the in-laws for the first time since the Dutch Corona lockdown. Floor and Fien are their cats. I took the time to...
Bounzzz Cats
Shooting animals ( with a camera ) is one of the most difficult thing there is. One needs to be very carefull and patient in order to capture that one shot. It can take hours for one shot alone. I like that type of ohotography. Makes me relax. Now,...