The boys are back in town 01-09-2012

door | sep 21, 2019 | Historic Grand Prix 2012 | 0 Reacties

Home - Wat ik doe - Fotografie - events - Historic Grand Prix 2012 - The boys are back in town 01-09-2012

I did this set with my cellphone back in 2012. It was the first time my brother Floyd and I visited the Historic Grand Prix in Zandvoort. We didn’t know what to expect. I didn’t bring my Canon with me then, and I didn’t have a film camera. I did shoot some video, but it wasn’t good enough material to share.

This visit to the Historic Grand Prix in Zandvoort was the first time of a new tradition. We never skipped an edition ever since and I doubt we will ever will.

Image Data

Date: 2012/09/01
Camera: unknown
Lens: unknown
Location: Cirquit Zandvoort

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