Gwen Crommentuyn BMX

door | jan 4, 2020 | sports | 0 Reacties

Home - Wat ik doe - Fotografie - sports - Gwen Crommentuyn BMX

The missus and I often vist friends in Limburg. We kind of moved there a couple of times per year during the ivf treatments. The son of the house, Gwen, does track bmx. We tagged along, I took the camera. It was in 2017.

I had to pull a lot out of the raw files because most of the shots were screwed. These were the best ones.

Shot and posted with parental consent.

Camera: Canon Eos 550D handheld mostly on sports settings
Lens: Canon EFS 18-55mm / 55-250mm
Capture date: 2017-03-16

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